Sunday, March 29, 2009


Hello world, so it's been a few days since I've last blogged. So this is going to be looong. Let me start off with Wed. Hazels birthday we went to Olive Garden for dinner. Had a few complications with the check. I could have sworn cake was complimentary but I guess not? Hahah. Seen Jesssse after how long, but it was nothin. His homeboy was lookin too cute & ya know ya girl hates passin up ___ guys. He hit me buuuut...... Nah. Went to Classic bowl, cause they wanted to have a drunk bowling night, Chey & I left, Went to dios n shit popped off when we left? I deno. BUT ANYYYWAAAAYYYSSSS
Thursday. I went to class, looking/feeling like shit. Because for some reason, I'm still hella sick. So I of course croc'd it out with jammies & luckily my teacher decided to show us a movie cause I was not feelin it. It was a sick ass movie with sick ass teenagers that for some odd reason, go out they mind n go crazy and start killing people. Pretty interesting if you look more into it. But anyways! My take home test for Health was due & mr. truong wanted me to do his, I felt pretty bad cause I couldn't but anyways. I went to class to turn my shit in n bounced up outta that bitch cause she's hella boring and you gata be really stupid to fail that damn class..
Loookin hella sick tho? Hahah whas good.. JK. So after that, the girls decided they wanted to go to the club? Hmmm. I was undecided for the most part due to the fact it was a THURSDAY & I'm tired of clubs. Even though I've only been to the past few events. It's not as fun as the first few times. To me it's like same faces, same boys. -_- NO GO. Roels ass tried apologizing up front, n blah blah blah. & nigggga(S) were being too annoying...... MHM

So Fridaye. After sleeping for the most part of the day. Cupid hit me, a few times. & I told him I'd hit him after I found out the actual plan n yeah.  The plan was to go to Jazzys homegirls party or some bshit but OF COURSE Jazzy din hit us up so we did out own thang, & guess who hit me up??!? E M A N G A R C I A. Random but I guess it was this fools birthday? I don't even know but they was all drinking, niggas was gooone off that heem & cap morgan. & After that we went off to hit up this sf state party but niggas were bein so STUPID hahahahahaha. Basically we met up with homeboys that didn't even know how to gve the right directions, hahaha. We tried following them but they forgot how to get back to the party hahaha. Damn, so we just hit up dios BUT they was all sleeepin so haze & I just went home. Cupid was mad? But I don't wana get further into that. ANYWAYS....
Sattadayeeeeeee!! Felt like sunday, but yeah. It was grandpas 86th birthday. Gat all dolled up. Haze did my makeup cause she's tryna be the next MUA?! HUUUUWWHHHAAATT? Lol, she's pretty good for a first timer, most def better than me but yeah. I can't fuck with the eye shadow anymore, it's fuckin up my skin. Anyways, grandpas was coo. Hella food, hella dessert, crackin ass cake, crckin ass family. DRANK, & yeup.

Bet ya'll families don't fuck with the copenhagen cakes tho! Haaha, thas at every damn party too MHM. Step ya'll cake game up :) Toodles..

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