Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I have this thing, where I text/aim certain people "Goodmorning, Have a good day! :)" Sometimes without the happy face. Depends on my mood really. So tell me why, I text my long lost friend C.Thomas, n greet tha fool & he goes. "WHOSE THIS?" & I'm like, "Fuck you too then biaaa!" Hhahah. Pretty funny. Anywho, I woke up at 7 morning, but I told myself I was going to have a good day so I had no reason to rush. & boy. if you know me, you know it takes me forever to get ready, but unfortunately it only took me about an hour or so.. So I gat to class round 830ish & it was pointless to even go to that class (sociology) since I had already read ahead and took notes. Now, I'm in the computer lab with Charles cause I owe this fool some armor for some "Diablo" (whack ass computer game) bshit. He says he really needs his stupid armor "Char! Little taiwamese and korean kids are killing me!!!!!!" Hilarious. 
So as you can see, my hurr is messed up cause unlike all these other bitches, I don't have all the time in the world to fix myself in the morrrning. 

I'm debating as to whether or not I should go to my Psych class. That class is so easy, but it's 2 hours long & I don''t feel good lol. Helllllla club heads are in my class too, but it ain't crackin what so ever. My next class is at 1PM - Health Sci. Which is hella easy too cause she talks about a bunch of shit I already know. Goodness..(PHO > PSYCH)
I'm in the worse mood by far.. I had a dramatic ass conversation with Mr. Ego & I swear, every time I speak to this fool all he ever do is put a bitch down. Dang. Luckily Haze was with me, otherwise I wouldn't have stopped crying. I don't know any other nigga that would make his girl break up with him and then months later, tell her you don't want anything to do with her because she "stays" partying/clubbing, "stays" fuckin with niggas & pullin. Which is fuckin bulshit. Because for one, he wanted out. & for two, this nigga straight up said that if someone were to swing his way, he wouldn't consider a bitch's feelings what so ever. So I'm like, wtf then niiggga?! Here I am, tryna live my damn life without you. REGARDLESS OF THE PAIN IT CAUSES ME. Not paying attention to these niggas in spite of you! & then here you are, tryna be coo one day, then the next is "Charlenes nothing today", then the next you tryna be coo again. But fuck all that, cause I am worth so much more, to even let a nigga hold me back from all options, MHM! PSHHHH, ANYWAY!

I gat some food w/ Haze then took her ass to DMV cause she needed to update her HURT ASS PICTURE hahahah. Tell me why she had staff rollin tho!? Well, not rollin, but they was crackin up! Hahaha, and of course I was rollin wit them. Then some fool I nicknamed tubby was like, "Why you laughin, let me see your ID when you were a freshman" & I was like "OKAY" Showed the nigga. & BAM!

 WHAS GOOOOD!! Hahaha JK! Buut, I swear it was Milk chocolate daddy day, cause all them sweet thangs was out at DMV hahah. Here's the last pic of the day. But don't mind Hazel's BIG ASS GUT & them Sketchers. I keep insisting on training her, but she can't keep up. "You are what you eat, bitch" Anyways, cuutie right behind Haze. CAAAAUUUTTEEEE, til you look at them kicks, that need to get knocked the fuck off his feeets. Good day ya'll :)

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