Monday, March 16, 2009

He he he he

Robert Eric Sangco is the biggest punan in the world! He's too pussy to watch all these horror movies I want to see, so I always have to watch them all alone :( He said he'd dunk on me, but shits UNBELIEVABLE! Big girl like me can NEVER get dunked on. MHM! He also gives me the MHMS all day, & he's the biggest jerk I've ever met in my life! This fool didn't talk to me for the whole day yesterday. & I swear he claims that Drakes his nigga, when he knows nothin of him n he just followed the hype like everybody else, of course. Typical hype beast or whatt?! & he ALSO claims his show's is one on one?! UM NO! Shiiiiet. & this nigga stay wearin red not knowin he can get shot up any time, hahah WHAS GOOD! This fool also gave up fastfood for lent then ate a burger the following week. What an I D I O T! But whatever, bobbys gay & stay chewin on them now & haters. I ain't triiippinn. Btw, how do you get bobby from Robert?! Stupid idiot!! Hahah, toodles..

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