Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Knock you down

I had a depressing night.. So Mr.Tate finally clarified that he does have someone new in his life. & I'll say that it did hurt me, and it pains me as I continue to write. But I guess that's just how it is? I can be in his position, his exact position if I wanted but I'm not even trying to hurt the next guy. & put him through the same shit. :( "Love comes around & it knocks you down" Whoa man, I don't remember crying as much as I did today. I'm actually really glad to have let everything out. I realized that I don't have to front about the way I feel, & to just let things go!! Fuck I swear I hella fucked up my routine by asking all those questions but I'm glad he wasn't being an asshole mhm! Now back to my happy days :) Still tryna pick & choose whomever stands out & is persistent at it...MHM :) 


So I downloaded this app. "Benjamin Button- book" On my G1, & it's pretty damn interesting I must way. Way better than "Through the looking glass" Lol, everyones on this twilight hype hahah Jessica or shall I say Miss Overflow was at tha gym reading that shit as if she was really interested or as if she didn't know what was going to happen already hahah. Heathers on that twilight hype as well, as my sister & step mom & yeah hahaha my bestfriend Kryssa finished all books, prolly a couple times..... But anyways yeah... TOODLES!


I usually check my email everyday but I've been so busy lately. So then I decided to check & came to fine 158 unread messages in my damn inbox, filled with facebook bulshit. I'm surprised myspace doesn't send me any emails of notifications people request. But anyways, my mom usually sends me emails, of random shit. & this was pretty funny..."Always be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting their own private battle" Hahah, pretty funny.

"Nothin weenie bout it"

I took RJ to go get some ice cream yesterday, well we actually ended up going to tanforan to visit Chey. Hahah, so she gave him a free drink & we gat pretzels. But can you believe what they're advertising now a days?! Hahahah whoa man...

NOTHIN WEENIE BOUT IT huh!? LOL, Anyways yeah.. My night went fairly swell :) Toodles..

Monday, March 30, 2009

=D ]=

I should be mad at the world right now.. BUT I'm not lol. So, I woke up this morning to find that noone was home, so I went straight to showering & after went straight to the kitchen to make some ramen. My sister scared the fuck outta me and said "I thought you weren't home!" & in my mind I'm like, wtf? why wouldn't I be it's monday. So then, she asked. "Where's your car???" & I SWEAR I thought she was joshin me til she made me go look myself. Hahahahahhaha so I'm there looking for my car, when it really wasn't there.... & the only thing I could think of is meesh playin me hahah. I swear I thought she was playing for a good, 30 min. I called my parents and pretty much everyone that matters to me asking where they put my car! I'm hella trippen bout my books cause I have all of last semesters books that I could s till sell back & the cooks that I use currently.. I had a pair of vans in the back, some ed hardy shit (including my air freshener), a bunch of shirts I usually give out from century.. SNACKS!!!!! Hahahah, unused lint roller.....  & of course my neon pink PILATES mat :( Damn... So unfortunately my shit really gat stolen but it's goood :) Ya'll should know why! & IF ya don't know, ask! Toodles..

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Here's my cute filipina/latina babygirl bella :) Ain't she cute! So today I basically took care of hazel.. Yeah yea, & we were basically planning out upcoming weekend. Since it IS the start of spring break fridaye :) Went to wingstop early, & seen our homeboy n he goes. "You party every weekend huh" & I'm like, nahh not even. Then I paused and thought to myself, and figured I really do. Damn. Hahahh. But just because I'm out on the weekends, does not mean I don't keep my head in the books during the weekdays. MHM! Last night was pretty crazy. I swear my hypes be so coo at first then it fucks up within hours.. GAY!!!!! But it was cool, I have never put myself in that position before, & damn. Be smart, DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. Thas all I gata say.. OH& Nicks Barn IS tha new spot, :) Smoooth.. I'll post more later. Toodles..

&&&& Let me say, that all you niggas that say yall can get this girl, that girl, any girl, but still ain't gat a girl, GATA STOP. Live above the damn hype & throw that tough guise away. It not only makes you look like a damn fool, but makes no otha girl want to fuck wit you! MHM!


My auntie lilibeths lil huge two year old baby, (fatboy) kept running away from me for some reason, but every time I'd say I would show him spongebob he'd come running to me. Lil wiener for a Big boy. HE GATA DONK?!?!?!!?!?!? hahahahahah
I just wanted to post this, cause I thought it was funny hahahah, toodles..


So I'm eating right? & My mom comes out of no where and asks me to pass her her bag. & I couldn't find it n she said it was under the table... hanging. & I'm like OH HELLL NO, THIS GIRL REALLY BROUGHT/BOUGHT herself a bag holder hahahahahhahahahahaha... my ma is really somethin tho..


Hello world, so it's been a few days since I've last blogged. So this is going to be looong. Let me start off with Wed. Hazels birthday we went to Olive Garden for dinner. Had a few complications with the check. I could have sworn cake was complimentary but I guess not? Hahah. Seen Jesssse after how long, but it was nothin. His homeboy was lookin too cute & ya know ya girl hates passin up ___ guys. He hit me buuuut...... Nah. Went to Classic bowl, cause they wanted to have a drunk bowling night, Chey & I left, Went to dios n shit popped off when we left? I deno. BUT ANYYYWAAAAYYYSSSS
Thursday. I went to class, looking/feeling like shit. Because for some reason, I'm still hella sick. So I of course croc'd it out with jammies & luckily my teacher decided to show us a movie cause I was not feelin it. It was a sick ass movie with sick ass teenagers that for some odd reason, go out they mind n go crazy and start killing people. Pretty interesting if you look more into it. But anyways! My take home test for Health was due & mr. truong wanted me to do his, I felt pretty bad cause I couldn't but anyways. I went to class to turn my shit in n bounced up outta that bitch cause she's hella boring and you gata be really stupid to fail that damn class..
Loookin hella sick tho? Hahah whas good.. JK. So after that, the girls decided they wanted to go to the club? Hmmm. I was undecided for the most part due to the fact it was a THURSDAY & I'm tired of clubs. Even though I've only been to the past few events. It's not as fun as the first few times. To me it's like same faces, same boys. -_- NO GO. Roels ass tried apologizing up front, n blah blah blah. & nigggga(S) were being too annoying...... MHM

So Fridaye. After sleeping for the most part of the day. Cupid hit me, a few times. & I told him I'd hit him after I found out the actual plan n yeah.  The plan was to go to Jazzys homegirls party or some bshit but OF COURSE Jazzy din hit us up so we did out own thang, & guess who hit me up??!? E M A N G A R C I A. Random but I guess it was this fools birthday? I don't even know but they was all drinking, niggas was gooone off that heem & cap morgan. & After that we went off to hit up this sf state party but niggas were bein so STUPID hahahahahaha. Basically we met up with homeboys that didn't even know how to gve the right directions, hahaha. We tried following them but they forgot how to get back to the party hahaha. Damn, so we just hit up dios BUT they was all sleeepin so haze & I just went home. Cupid was mad? But I don't wana get further into that. ANYWAYS....
Sattadayeeeeeee!! Felt like sunday, but yeah. It was grandpas 86th birthday. Gat all dolled up. Haze did my makeup cause she's tryna be the next MUA?! HUUUUWWHHHAAATT? Lol, she's pretty good for a first timer, most def better than me but yeah. I can't fuck with the eye shadow anymore, it's fuckin up my skin. Anyways, grandpas was coo. Hella food, hella dessert, crackin ass cake, crckin ass family. DRANK, & yeup.

Bet ya'll families don't fuck with the copenhagen cakes tho! Haaha, thas at every damn party too MHM. Step ya'll cake game up :) Toodles..

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So I'm on the phone with Princess Hazel and we're basically catching up from the whole day we didn't talk yesterday! & We're basically annoyed off hella shit together of course -_- Niggas be on some otha shit. They be tryna play females that would be do down to treat them right n shit. Goodness, but yeah whatever. With me, once you annoy me I'm done. Thats how it's been these past few months, & that's how it will continue to be. So tnites hazels birthday dinner & it's just us girls but mr.frogg wanted to invite someone ms.haze didn't want. & you know how people be like, "Aww you better come to my birthday" this time its, "You better not come to my birthday!" ahahhahaahahahhaahhahah I JUST HAD TO BLOG bout that. Hopefully noone gets all butthurt, hahaha :) Toodles..


WHOA WHOA WHOA?!?!?!?!!? You can get married on myspace??!? Hahhahahaha. That's pretty damn funny if you ask me. I wish myspace had the perfect nigga for a lady. Shit, I want a milk chocolate puertorican daddy. Or just plain milk chocolate cause I can't fuck wit dark chocolate pappys nmore.. THE PERFECT DADDY: Tall, Respectful, No hype beastin, Schoolin, Decent looking, Athlete. PAAAPPPYYY!!! WHASSS GOOOOD?! Hahahahahha. I'm playin, but I just thought I'd share, cause that's ridiculous.  


Woke up early, dressed in pajammies & went to pilates. I stayed up til 3AM writing my damn Pilates Midterm Paper to find out that it's due next Wed! Hahah, dammit. So anyways, Last night I talked to Mr. Coreazy for the first time? Yeah. Didn't even speak to wifey yesterday tho? SUP WIT THAT BITCH. Can we K.I.T tho?! Hahah. But anyways yeah, I've been really sick lately & It sucks balls cause I been eating hella shit but gat no type of taste buds! HAHAH. I talked to my bestfriend last night as well & this nigga told me he gat my pastillias n shit, but he comin back in 3 weeks which is booboo cause that shit will be old so I told him to just get them for me before he leaves to come back to america, I want em fressh. So anyways. Todays HAZELS birthday & I am so glad that bitch is finally 18. Now we ain't gata worry bout shit no more. She wants to go to Jamrock this friday btu honestly, I ain;t tryna go. BUT since she didn't get to last weekend I gata -_- Speaking of the club, Larissa&Jas want me to take them clubbing :) Girls night whas good! Wifey you need to come through to candy shop, next week! I NEEED YOU TO! & this weekend is basically set. Goodness, so tonight just us girls are having dinner at Olive Garden, prolly see Jesse & have someone serenade to us one time? Cuuute :) Still debating on Hazel's Surprise ______. Cause we gat some rowdy ass friends that can't be coo fa nobody. But we';ll see how that goes. spring Brizzzeaaaak is comin up quick. Wifey needs to book the hotel & I needa get the tickets. We still debating on whether we want homegirl to come cause she be actin a LIL TOOO SILLY & ya'll know how wifey n I get down wit shit like that, MHM! Anyways, Plans I have for now.... -Psych homework. ALL OF IT cause mr.frogg didn't do it hahah & I want legit answers anyways. So I'll update this shit later. :) Toodles...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bop It

lost my planner, & that shit has everything. My lifes in that damn book shit -_- So now I have to remember my plans n shit.. Anyways, today was pretty interesting yet boring. Psych was boring which is why half the people in there don't bother going. It's hella easy as well so YEAAAH. This is basically what I do in that class.

Had a lecture test in Health Science which was EASY AS FUCK. Hella common sense shit, I feel bad for people who don't workout & people who don't know how their own damn body functions. Gat off at exactly 120 & went straight home. Took a long ass nap & went to gym/joes w/ Chey which was booboo fa her cause Big daddy wasn't even there.... So then we ended up chillin for a bit, I was a tad bit annoyed but I don't wanna get into that. Chey knows what I'm thinkin. prolly not but ummmmmm this was all we did... So toodles..

Fuck tha POPOS

I wanna say fuck tha PO POS, "Fuck tha po po hoe" Hahah. So we were on the freeway bout to exit tanforan & I swear I didn't realize I was driving hella fast. But lucky me mr. po po comes from behind hellla beamin they lights in my damn eyes. I WAS driving CHEYS car, & we was all trippen n whatever but ya know what. I don't even care anymore. I'm just taking it as everything happens for a reason & things could have been worse. This was just a sign, that we should stop rushing to get to the damn destination we need to be at. There were many other times when we was out smashin n it was hella hot but DIDN'T get caught up. So that's what I mean by, "things could have been worse." & It's funny cause I was so mad I cried & for once I cried off a real damn problem. Hahaha no boys, no naggin parents, an actual problem that I put myself into & that I myself had to take care of, MYSELF!!! LOL. That night made me think back and second guess my friends. Because lately I've been going through so much for them. Shit that I would never do & I thought to myself, who would do the same for me. But we all came to an understanding so it's good :)& It's true, they all have done sooo much for me, as I do for them. It basically evens out. We all go through this n that for each other, regardless the trouble we put our own damn selves through. & "It's always worth it in the end cause we know we'll always be there" BIIIIIIAAAA! Bet ya'll don't have friends like that.. MHM! So it's traffic school for me :) Yippy.. Toodles.....

Monday, March 23, 2009

Miss Shit &Pickles

Uwem is tha nigga fa findin this damn video, HAHAHAHAHA.

Lacoste Velcro's?!

My dad was really rockin some Velcro's tho?! Hahahahah hella funny.


Soo I woke up helllla early today because it was RJ's Karate competition & we just HAD to be there. Grandma was getting so annoying because she kept rushing me. & ya'll know ya girl likes to get ready on her own damn time, shit. So ANYWAYS! It was at South City High. 
It started at like 1030, but we were there super early. There was hella people. & I was really just waiting til they announced where the nachos where at cause I wanted it. Uhhhuh! LOL. So first picture, RJ & MY FATHER. He was taking him to the other room to warm up. 
Pretty packed but yeah. They finally announced nachos! So we headed to the other  gym & RJ was with his two niggas hahahahahahah. 
MY DOLLA FIDDY NACHOS!!!!! Home girl tried charging my since twelve dolhairs when our shit was only like $7. You know I had to say somethin mhm.....
RJ didn't get placed cause he did his shit too fast, but lil nigga gat it next time. Offtop. Next was Jacobs christening :) I only had an hour to get ready but you know ya girl took her time. I was done by like 120. Left to All Souls, the priest that baptized Jacob was such a jerk. He gat at everyone stupid, which is unbelievable because he's a priest. But yeah, Jacob was chill through out the whole process. Unlike the rest of the babies there. So ANYWAYS! We then went straight to EDNAS ICHIBAN for the reception.. I swear I was bored the whole time. We had hella food I couldn't even eat, so that made things worse. Chey came to save me so I was good :) After it was all over we swoooped PRINCESS HAZEL & went to in n out to get some foood. Then we went to ___'s house which was bulshit cause niggas was bein tooooo mothafuckin rude. But it's good cause we still gat it hahah. Toodles..
The rest of the pictures are on my Myspace :)

SATTADAYE (All fa hazel..-_-)

My day started off at 5pm Hahah. Ya girl was not feelin it, & she was sick as fuck ZLEEPIN in bed. BAD ASS MOOD. Told sherri I'd check the house round 12, but ended up going round 9pM. Damn, girls copped the drank. People started comin through. Sippin sippin sippin sippin sippin.... Wifey finally came w/ corey & them. I swear a few randoms came through but they was all coo. ON BLAST but I DONT GIVE A FCUK. Roels dumbass was hella disrespectin my girls house, bustin furniture n shit so we had to bust tha nigga hahahahah. I swear, Star & Marlenes ass stayed regulatin wit me, & of course Wifey, MA & chey. Waaaait hold up. Let me say, KHRISTINE GEE IS A MOTHAFUCKIN BEAST FA PULLIN OUT THE UMBRELLA THO hahahahahahah. When shit goes down, n pops off tha way it does, n ya'll still there after everything, ya'll my true bitches & "niggas" FA LIFE! OFFTOP. Shit, I'm tired of this I gotcha back you gat mines, bshit. Some bitches don't really understand the meaning to the whole saying. But, I don't want to go further into that. All I know is, that I gat my true friends that will mosdef be there, when they need to be there, no hyphy shit either. Puahahahah. But ANNNYWAAYSS. Like I told yo ass upfront. Don't bother textin me, callin me tryna spit tha game you dont gat! Cause after that shit you tried pullin. That was AUTOMATIC DROP! Talkin bout I ain't ride or die, nigga not fa you! ok?! So anyways, after everything we went to Dios n they started sippin there. I just thought about how there was just hellllllllla niggas at hazels hhahahhhahhahah. IT WAS PLANNED buuuut. There's going to be a part 2 this weekend, so if I haven't already told you bout it, HIT ME! :) Toodles..

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Well I haven't updated this in  a while. I had a crazy weekend. From friday. Me & my girls went to that flannel attire shit at Whisper. I could have sworn ladies get in fa free since it was LADIES NIGHT. Goodness, we were all disappointed cause we had to pay $10. We rolled with Cupid & bloodbath Mhark cause we didn't have presales. We was all in line & Haze was last.. & Me n Ma turn around & this blackass securrrrity niggas hella questioning her.. Goodness.. So yaready knw she couldn't get in. Ma & I tried waitin n shit but i honestly don't even know wtf happened. Then all of a sudden I hear she's in vallejo? Damn. But yeah, I don't know. I wasn't fuckin wit shit that night til I did some crazy ass dance move that gat me sayin. "WTF KINDA SHIT DID I JUS DO" in my head. Hahah.  "I transformed into a goose" -Erlito. So anyways, Club was coo, met too many niggas. But too bad they was ROUDY AS FUCK! Homeboy tried holdin me by the waist, I don't know what the nigga was thinkin but I guess he though we was coo like that. So I asked the nigga to give me some damn space. Straight up, "COULD I BREATHE ONE TIME?!" Fuck, anyways. Some hoe tried talkin shit to Jaz, so I popped the bitches head, but little girl was tooo little so it was nothin serious. Went to meet up with friends at twin peak, but Haze was tryna sip, & it was hella hot up there, so we went to dennys. Met up with everyone else, & Dipped after they ate.. Went to homeboy hazel's mans house hahahahahahahha. This girl was tooo mean. "Could you move" "Could you get out" "Get off me" Hahahahahahah. My night was pretty coo, seen hella people, met hella people, & um, yeah toodles..