Saturday, May 23, 2009

Whas NOT good Fridayeee 8I

HAD to wake up at 6AM just to get ready for my 930 interview w/ one of the ST instructors, IN SAN JO! I  swear, i was there everyday this week. Lol, but anyways. Let me talk about my day yesterday. Woke up, took Jacob to the docs, for a follow up from the last time he went. He was doing much better. Then went to California Pizza kitchen w/ my gramma since she offered to take me out to lunch. shit was aight I guess, not all that.
So after that wonderful meal, i took a 30 minute nap. Then swooped haze & we all smashed out to San Jo for my meeting. BTW Meesh was with us. We left hella early cause I don't like being late, so we fucked with luckys and mcdnalds..

So my grandma said that. If i get a few grants and loans to pay for school she'll buy me my car. Luckily I gat a few loans & a 10,000 dollar grant! 8) So that's all i'll say. Hazels been studying real hard for her PERMIT  test so this little biaaatch better pass tomorrow.

FRIDAYE! Woke up, smashed out to san jo. I was nervoous as hell but it was coo. I wasn't informed about the essay we had to write afterwards but did that. & Then smashed home, actually smashed to hazels, where I took a nap then took her to take her test. Had to leave to bring RJ his piano book but then came back to find that she PASSED HER FUCKIN TEST!!!! BIAAAATCH! Hahahah, finally. So I'm hella expecting her ass to have her L;s by the time I get back from my vacation. But yeah, we went to go eat at chipotle after thAT I went home because Mr.Eric was going to drop off my tickets. So fuck, PLEASE SUPPORT BY DONATING $2 Hhahahahah to the charbeezy has to win fund! 8) Thanks, love ya. Toodles..

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