Thursday, May 7, 2009


I've been too happy lately. Maybe, because things have finally fallen into place. 8) Not tryna put anything on blast though, its not not that time yet hahah. So anyways, last night chey, haze & I went to go chill wit these new homeboys, & I'd say it was pretty fun. Chill ass hype that didn't involve any alcohol. HAHAHAHAH JK, but IIIIII didn't sipp on anything cause shits been making me feel hella queasy lately. So I give that shit up AGAIN, I don't know why I even RE started that bulshit. The crowd you hang out with really does make an effect on how you live your life. & we all know drinking ain't my thang, lol BUT, there will be a few acceptions due to the many birthdays coming up ;)  Hahahah BUT! Back to the important stuff. 
School been lightweight getting to me lately. Been really indecisive with the career path I want to pursue. So I blogged about the school that I'm trying to get into VVVV. We took this test, called the "wonderlic" and supposedly football players are required to take it to get into the NFL or some booshit like that. Hahah shit was pretty fun, yet trippy cause my bestfriend took it and failed the first time and I was just trippen out yet felt really good at the same time. But yeah I passed that shit like that, meaning I'm automatically qualified 8) But I'll have more updates later..

My sister can't find her passport. Which is bulshit. truthfully. I seen her shit already and all of a sudden it ain't there. But  I won't say anything because I'm tired of the drama with this family. I leave in exactly 3 weeks, which doesn't really give her time to even get a new one. -_- I should have grabbed that shit when I first seent it, so maybe I'm the idiot..

Class was boring as fuck today. But it was nice to finally see charles since I haven't seen the nigga in weeks.. We talked about HIV & STDS and a bunch of crazy bulshit.. I even brought charles cookies but that jerk wouldn't eat it!!!!!! STUPID FUCKIN JERK I'M NEVER BRINGIN YOU NO DAMN FOOD!!! Hahah I'm kidding..
GENITAL WARTS - So if you read my status, my weirdo teacher suggests that you "BLOWDRY YOUR GENITALS" hahah (THIS IS WHAT CHARLES HAS ON HIS FOOT) Read his blogspot.

Gross, but after class I swooped up Haze & we had lunch. Plan was to eat at round table since lunch buffet is only 6.99! 8) But it ended at 2 -_- So we ate at this Rice bowl plate, I had fried chicken wit fries & Haze had garlic chicken & can you believe their arizonas are fuckin 2.50, I REPEAT, two FIDDY!!!!!! But whatever i fucked wit it anyways only cause I don't drink soda hahaha. I felt hella disgusted after like the second fry cause there were flies everywhere, so I said fuck it lets eat in the car... But that's what's happened so far, I'll blog later.. Maybe. WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! I JUST READ AND HEARD THAT THE DAY 26/J HOLIDAY CONCERT IS CANCELED. Hahahahah I CALLED IT TOO!!!! Sucks for all of you fucks that fall for ....... that's all I'll say 8) Toodles..


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