Thursday, May 14, 2009


Hello hello world. I'm not really in a blogging mood but.. Here I go.

Woke up a little too early & made a little too much breakfast. Plan was to make some cupcakes, but when I opened the cake mix, there were little tiny ants. I'd say there was about a million o them, so zamn. Threw that shit out ina quickness. So i ended up making hella eggs, sausage and BACON! What a waste.. But yeah. Beautiful day at CSM. When is it not tho, gat to class a little earlier than expected and mrcharles was already there with the scantron I asked for. He looked lightweight sad but it's all good. Homeboys goin to tha club for the first time tonight! 8D Have fun buddy. So anyways yeah, of course. Another usual day in that gay class, & I always blog about this damn class because it's my favorite, because I basically know all the shit she already talks about. & NOONE EVER GOES hahaha even on testing days. But anyways, so took my test in approximately 20 minutes & bizzounced. Charles's fuckin car is sooooo fast, I swear hahaha my 80 is his like, 70 8/ but whatever anyways. 

I swooped haze & we headed to taco bell because we wanted a fruitista. Gat that & smashed to my house because i needed to sort out some clothes. Lol, so my friend D told me she goes to this place when she wants a little extra money. It's called Buffalo something & Crossroads. It's some thrift store where you can sell or trade your clothes and get 35% of whatever they decide they want. Pretty cool, so I HAD to try it lol. I went through a bunch of clothes I never worn, shit with tags and such. & some shoes, (chucks) that i never wear! 8D Haze did the same I forgot to add. So we went down to haight & boy was there a lot of people. But to keep things short and un detailed. I gat $8.67 at Crossroads. & $29.75 at Buffalo. Pretty good deal, oh yeah the point of the picture down there, is that. THEY'RE FAKE! Hahah mmkay...
After we went home & they went to some dance show @ ECHS. Oh yeah we made a short pit stop to miggs house to visit homeboy before we headed to my house. So yeah I did pretty much nothing but chill with jacob til like 830, & went to head to the gym. We were plannin on goin to glaskat tonight but I'm just not in the mood. But to whomever out there partying tonight, gettin wild and goin crazy. Be safe, & hope you all have a wonderful time.. Toodles..

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