Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Here's some oldOLDOLDOLDold gay pics, since my page looks naked.

Dopey & I, christmas
RBS what, 16th?
Ate Hazels Tattoo.
My sisters stash, flavored cigarettes
This was in the PI. My dads friend olenny
Since eeveryone has mohawks how a days, HYPE!

Ooooh you know, I be feelin myself sometimes hahahahaha. Toodles


I'm depressed :'( & it just hit me, but I'll be good. I wish I can post m convo w/ bobby but it's all good. Shit I haven't been doing anything lately, haven't seen my girls in WHO KNOWS HOW LONG!!! Only thing I do, is eat oatmeal. 3 hours later, eat a meal (NO RICE). Then from 8- whenever, I go to the gym. Then come home, to watch a movie, then get bored. So I read, then knock. Then it repeats the next day hahah goodness I have no life. I can't wait til I'm not on lockdown anymore. Can't we all! Lol. But anyways, can't wait til my next vacation. Tita Lina's coming too 8DDDDDDD Soo you know that means, $$$$HOPPPINNNGGGG. Luckily I've been saving, and making money at the same time. Babysitting adds up, so I'm pretty glad. Oh & Jcub is getting so big now! Time to teach him how to walk. But yeah, haze is depressed as well. & hopefully by the time i see her, her gut is gone. Cheys never depressed, so i gat nothin to worry bout. & MA can js easily replace whoever the hell lol. Bestfriend, kryssa, lyne, & vanjo. Imiss you guys, Wifey! I need to see you soon. Ddocto, chocolate caaake! Melissa sis, i know I haven't been KIT but I gat oyu soon as i'm out. Bobby I think yourgoing to be my new bestfriend, Cupid. I deno where tha hell you been. Talkin bout I fell out tha loop! Lol. Who else, Brian your fatass need to go hit tha gym. Jessica its been months and your still overflowin. Krys, why are you so obsessed with him. There's more, but they can wait til my next blog. Toodles..

Friday, July 17, 2009

In Jail - as my sister says.

Soooo, my parents are off to costco. & Of course I'm stuck babysitting, you know, the usual. My mom thinks I'm underpaid for babysitting the WHOLE damn day. But I guess its cool, since it adds up. But yeah, I feel like shit, I swear I'm going crazy in this damn house!! Like, you know even know. I feel like chugging the two bottles of smirnoff in my sisters closet along with the bacardi and grey goose! I'm kidding, well about the drinking part. I'm seriously going crazy!!! Like, damn. But whatever I told my dad I have plans at the end of the month. FINALLY another freakin VACATION! My brothers turning 15 so Vegas calls for him! Hahahah ANYWAYS! LA wouldn't work out regardless because they left yesterday but I guess it's cool. Not like they were going to let my sister &  I go. EVEN THO ITS FAMILY! It's pretty stupid how my parents don't get along.. Sometimes I wish they did so then I wouldn't have to hear my grandma talk shit bout my mom every chance we're alone. Hmmmph... Anyways, my sisters officially in WCC and starts July27th, sucks she won't get to go with us. But I'm pretty glad she's stepping up, seems like she's a lot more goal oriented. But yeah.... Not much to talk about, I'm still stuck in this house, I'm limited to gym time. I make $20 a day. I feel depressed.. I miss my mom, My friends, My girls.. What a waste of how many weeks.. Toodles 8/


Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Bad things will happen- they always do. But good things will happen too. Which will you focus on? The Decision is up to you. You can choose to see the happiness of life or focus on the worries of life. No one can make you happy, but you can choose happiness." 
Morning world! Waking up too damn early every single day is not the business. I swear, but I'm going to Red Robin today for lunch with my sisters & grams. Then my sisters off to San Jo to find out her test results! Hahahah, NEGATIVE! But anywho yeah, I was js on facebook & read everyones status's and posts VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” -Jbel
Speaks for itself I'll add a few most posts later. Toodles..


Since my sister & I are grounded. My stepmaaami suggested we by ourselves a hobby. So she took us to michaels and we ended up buying... DISNEY PUZZLES!!! She wanted to race so we both started off with 100 piece puzzles. Me (Tinkerbell) Her (Princess)& Of course I won!! LOOOOOSSSEEERRRRR!!! The cars one down there was 300 pieces. I also did the finding nemo one. & Attempted to do the Lady and the Tramp one, but I failed because it was too hard 8( More to come!! Toodles..

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tomorrow is another ___

Sunday - Went to Great America with my fams for this SAFEWAY picnic bshit where tickets were only $27 & that's with food included. Couldn't bring haze so meesh brought... TRINA! & Krystal of course brought her boy friend, a boy thats her friend since he hasn't asked her out. I was left with some big fat annoying big little 10 year old girl. Didn't know her name so I called her tubby. It was cool I guess. After the first 4 rides, I stopped because I went to search for frozen strawberry lemonade! 8P I know, my favorite. Walked around, did the 5 for 5 shooting game. & won my RJ a ball 8) Babyboys getting into basketball. Sooo proud! Then my dad on the other hand, I don't know what he was thinking but he tried to do the ladder thing, hahah pictures are down there & He's also on youtube! Hilarious, love you dad! After we ran into the 3 point shoot out shit, where you can win a jersey if you make over 10 shots. Too bad there were hella weak fucks. Hahahah. Makes me miss playing. I want to coach kids, but nah. I might go bad on those shits. Oh yeah, last year my cousins and I said we'd get a funnel cake before we left GA but never gat one so this year, was finally my year!!!!! 

So then yeah, on the way home tita mags wanted wingstop! My dad, brother & stepmaaami is hooked on that garlic Parmesan. (<- had to ask 3 people how to spell that hahah.) 
Like this punan - Robert Eric Sangco

me: hay how do you spell

me: parmesean

me: like the cheat

me: chease

me: cheese

me: whoa wtfs wrong w me

me: hahaha

bobby: parmisean

bobby: i think

bobby: not sure doe

bobby: but im bout 75% sure

me: Parmesean

me: lol

me: watch

bobby: how much u wanna bet im right??

bobby: i use to work in a grocery store n would c it all the time haha

me: lets bet

me: 20 bucs

me: bucks!

bobby: ok whats the bet

bobby: ok yer on

me: foreal foreal

me: ahahahahaha

me: i win!!!

me: u better shake on it

bobby: aight look it up

bobby: *shake*

bobby: haha

bobby: or my bad *put hand out to shake virtually?*

me: *shake*

me: hahaha

bobby: ahah aight

me: k i looked it up

me: Parmesan |ˈpärməˌzän|


a hard, dry cheese used in grated form, esp. on Italian dishes.

me: mwahahahaha

bobby: fuck!

bobby: i was close!


Anyways yeah, then went home to do some puzzles & eat with my cousins.

Monday: Did nothing, but complete my "Cars" puzzle, lol tough. Then went to the gym under my dads clock, one hour. Crazy how time flies...

Tuesday: Babysat & Went to the gym. Congradumafuckinlations to Michelle Anne Ortega Banzon! Future RN. & for getting hired at some crazy medical place? Yeah.. Had a good day but I guess nothings enough for some people now a days. You ever feel like you bust your ass off tryna make things right, but it doesn't help what so ever. Because you end up js going back to old habits and... man... "Tomorrow is another ___" Hahhaahhaah

But yeah, if you read my wifeys blog. Hahahahah KHRISTINEGEEEEE her links to the right! Hahahhaha wifey you stay crackin me up. But I wuv you & I most definitely sneak out when you head yo ass out here! Hahahah love you! Toodles..

Saturday, July 11, 2009


This blog goes out to my WIFE. Biiiitch I miss you :( I won't be able to attend brians surpwise pawty :( I'm grounded. I told you why, so you already know. I will be seeing you before this summer ends though, hopefully in my new whip. You know.. But anyways, even with this super loonnnngg distance. You STAY my main bitch regardless. I can't wait til we gata stable job and a steady life. Then that way we can js room together. & live happily ever after! Fuck tha bulshit. But you most definitely my right hand man, we need to go bad on a nigga one time. Js for tha hell of it hahaha. JS CAUSE I'M BORED! Hahahah nah, we need to have dinner. & that drive in movie. There's js so much to be said, I'm sick of typing. I miss going on hypes js to chill. Fuck all tha partyin, tha sac niggas, hahaha gross. & Since we both wifed, that calls for a double date, DON'T CHA THINK! Ahhhh, but it's good. Honestly, I seen you more this year than last year and tha year before that. So we gaaat this. I love you 8) and I'll see you soon. By the way, I will start leaving you comments once I look decent, hahaha. But I swear sometimes when I try to leave you one, it doesn't "share" shit fuck it. I swear phones should come out with some video shit for us two to communicate face to face, feel me. Anyways aight. I'm off to bed, LOVE YOU! Toodles..


Team Jacob!

As you all know, I'm in love with Jacob Black from the twilight saga 8) Last week before the tattoo incident I spend a few days with my ma in Vallejo. I finally watched my brothers basketball game after years! Baby boy scored 15 pts. And I forgot how many assists, and steals. But shit, 15 points to my baby brother 8D. So then, I met one of his team mates that looked exactly like JACOB BLACK!!!! So you know I had to take a picture..
I'm pretty damn excited for New Moon this November. Whose down to camp out wit me?! Lol, I'm kidding. Or am I? Hahaha, welp. I'm sure you guys know which is my brother and which is Jacob Blacks mini me. Toodles..  


Hello world, so I gave up on my blogspot because I felt too far off from the last time I even made a new post. Promising so and so this and that, js didn’t work out anymore lol. So since I have all the time in the world, I'm gna make use of this shit. To start things off, I’m grounded until the end of the month. Gay I know, but it’s good. Better than getting kicked out of my house 8) About that.. So few days ago, I was getting ready to go to the gym. & I was about to reach for a shirt until I heard my brother RJ say he wanted to try the sushi, so then I RUUUSHED out of my room (without a shirt) carrying my stomach band & told him there was wasabi in them, lol. They were for my sister and I came from tempura house, so ya know. Had to prank her a little hahaha. So anyways, I asked my grams to help me with my band, forgetting I even had a tattoo! & Of course my secrets out.. & everyone gets pissed and over reacts and shit. So I call my sister and tell her what had happened and she’s crying because my dad called her before hand saying we needed to get out of the house by friday, which is today! & I didn’t believe it at first because first off, I’ve never gotten kicked out of my house. Even when living with moms, & we all know I put her through shit. NEVER have I gotten kicked out.. I didn’t think they’d be so dramatic over a tattoo, but whatever. What’s done is done! Yesterday (thursday) me and meesh talked to my dad and he basically forgave us then gave me my pair of trues lol. But yeah. For more detail, js hit me and ask me whatever the hell happened. 

Tomorrow, July 11th is the Calayan 2009 Star Pageant, and unfortunately I won’t be attending. I thought and thought about it, & it’s just not for me. Eric the producer of the whole shindig, basically begged me to stay and continue. But honestly, the passion isn’t there. & it’s a money contest, not beauty. So, i might or might not watch, we’ll see. 

Me and my boyfriend are finally on good terms again 8) I wouldn’t go through this type of bulshit with anyone else. It’d be a waste of life.. 

toofresh: (9:13:58 PM) you have nothng to worry about

charbeeezy: (9:15:50 PM) I have nothing to worry bout?
toofresh: (9:16:07 PM) you shouldnt worry at all
charbeeezy: (9:16:28 PM) And why is that
toofresh: (9:16:46 PM) because i dont ever want to be without you
toofresh: (9:16:54 PM) and no girl can fuck us up
toofresh: (9:17:07 PM) i wont let that happen
Cute right?

P.S *** Happy Birthday Jada Kaela Cabie! My little baby cousin.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Hello hello world. Sorry for this super late post. I know some of you guys have asked me to blog but I been busy. I lied. I been really lazy, but here I am, ready to talk about some good and some bad..

So as you all know my birthday was last week and I must say it was one of the best birthdays I've had. I would like to thank those of you who greeted me once again 8) So anyways, let me talk about my vacation. So I came back last week, which sucked cause the PI was just starting to get crackin. I honestly miss it out there, my sister & I were planning on going back out there this week since fare was only $700. ( parents idea) But I was kind of hesitant because of my boyfriend. But since its too late, I can wait til next year. 
About school. So, I have plan A and plan B. Surgical Tech or Respiratory therapy. Either or will do, updates later. My pageant, is on July 11th. @ Cathedral hall in san francisco. I'm not really trying to do it anymore, -_- It's not really my thing, but we'll see. I still have time to decide. I spent most of this week with my cousins and moms in vallejo. Actually came from my brothers bball game. Scored 15 points, 8) You know.. Shopped til I dropped, & this weekend I'm going to LA with my family. We'll see how that goes... Toodles..